Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd.



Material Issues

Process of Identifying Material Issues

We referred to the GRI Standards to identify environmental, social, and economic issues in mining, our main line of business. Then, we carefully considered our mission, the characteristics of our business, our strategies, and what our stakeholders and the rest of society need from us. We created a materiality map and double-checked the significance of each item using models such as the SDGs wedding cake, which depicts the environment as the foundation of social and economic activities. Finally, we arrived at our list of material issues.

Materiality map

List of Material Issues

Category Material Issues Event Main efforts Related SDGs
E Responding to climate change Introducing measures to promote capital investment to reduce CO2 emissions
  • Introduced an internal carbon pricing (ICP) system in November 2022
Installing renewable power generation facilities for internal consumption
  • Considered and studied the introduction of solar, wind, and small-scale hydropower generation facilities for internal consumption at quarry complexes and other business locations
Promoting a substantial shift to renewable energy for purchased electricity
  • Shifted to renewable energy for purchased electricity: Head Office, Osaka Branch Office, Tohoku Branch Office, Kagoshima Geothermal Facility, Kirishima Office
  • Launched an initiative for a substantial shift to renewable energy for purchased electricity using FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with tracking for our FIT solar power plants (purchase of FIT NFCs started in August 2023)
Energy saving and efficiency
  • Continued efforts to generate electricity from the long distance conveyor belts at the Torigatayama Quarry Complex
E Promoting environmental conservation activities Preserving water resources
  • Continued efforts to reduce water consumption through recycling
Greening and properly maintaining former mine sites and sedimentation sites
  • Planted trees and performed hydroseeding
  • Conducted patrols of former mines
Preserving biodiversity
  • Maintained certified company-owned forests
Maintaining an environmental management system
  • Continued efforts to comply with ISO 14001 (acquired certification for seven locations)
S Providing a stable supply of raw materials and products Developing resources
  • Developed a new mining area at the Hachinohe Mine: Continued development work (aiming for full-scale extraction during the next medium-term management plan period)
  • Developed the Arqueros Copper Mine: Began development work in April 2023 (aiming to start operating in 2026)
Providing a stable supply
  • Constructed a third shaft at the Torigatayama Quarry Complex: Continued construction work (aiming for full-scale operation in FY2024)
  • Sustained our stable domestic limestone supply system through decentralization
S Industrial safety and health Managing safety
  • Held meetings of safety managers and meetings of people in charge of safety
Providing education and training
  • Conducted safety training for new employees
  • Conducted hazard prediction training by area (East/West Japan)
  • Conducted hazard prediction training and safety simulation training
S Co-existence and co-prosperity with local communities Contributing to local communities
  • Conducted social contribution activities at each location
  • Continued to hire locally
S Respecting human rights and diversity, and developing human resources Developing human resources
  • Established Human Resources Development Policy in May 2023
Realizing diversity and inclusion
  • Promoted the active participation of women and employment of people with disabilities
  • Promoted improvement of internal environments
    • Introduced and revised systems for telecommuting, staggered shifts, flexible scheduling, paid leave, etc.
    • Expanded systems for supporting family care
Raising awareness of human rights
  • Conducted harassment prevention training
G Strengthening governance Enhancing the corporate governance system
  • Transitioned from a company with an Audit and Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee in June 2023
Strengthening the compliance system
  • Conducted internal audits at each location
  • Continued to properly operate the internal reporting system
  • Held compliance training workshops
Risk management
  • Continued to review business continuity plans (BCP)
  • Held regular meetings of the Quality Assurance Committee
  • Implemented various initiatives in the field of information security
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