Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd.



Disclosure on TCFD Recommendation

Endorsing the TCFD Recommendations

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

With the recognition that addressing climate change is one of the most important management issues, the Group announced its endorsement of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in June 2022. We aim to engage in sustainable business activities and improve our corporate value over the medium to long term by promoting initiatives to realize a decarbonized society.


Our Sustainability Committee—which is chaired by the President and comprises internal Directors and Corporate Executives as members—formulates policies, targets, and action plans for combating climate change and realizing other aspects of sustainability for the Group; manages and evaluates our progress toward the targets; discusses individual measures in depth; and reports and advises the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The Sustainability Committee has two regular meetings each year (in May and November) and holds extraordinary meetings as needed.


We have exhaustively identified risks and opportunities presented by the impact of climate change on each of the Group's businesses under two scenarios—a global average temperature increase of 2°C or lower, and an increase of 4°C—and are taking relevant measures to reduce risks and seize opportunities. We plan to analyze the scenarios to gain an understanding of the impacts on our business, and will formulate strategies accordingly.

Category Event Risk or
Description Relevant initiatives
Transition risks Policies/legal regulations Increase in carbon pricing Risk
  • Costs increase when new carbon-related taxes are introduced
  • Ongoing information gathering
Tighter regulations Risk
  • Costs increase amid the shift to electric/energy-saving equipment and systems at production locations
  • Costs increase when fuels and power sources for large and heavy machinery are changed
  • Promoting the installation of equipment that helps reduce GHG emissions
Technology Development of new technologies Risk
  • Demand for limestone decreases when alternative materials and technologies are developed
  • Promoting limestone exporting
  • Profits increase when we develop products that help lower GHG emissions
  • Promoting research and development that helps reduce GHG emissions
Spread of renewable energy/energy-saving technologies Risk
  • Energy procurement costs increase when we purchase renewable energy
  • Installing renewable power generation facilities for internal consumption to reduce purchased electricity
  • Directly procuring FIT Non-Fossil Certificates to reduce the cost of shifting to renewable energy power sources
  • Greater possibilities for new development in geothermal power generation, solar power generation, and other areas
  • Promoting geothermal development in Shiramizugoe
Market Fluctuation of product/material prices Risk
  • Raw material procurement costs increase as decarbonization progresses
  • Investment costs increase as competition for mining development projects intensifies
  • Regulations become stricter and tax burdens grow as resource nationalism emerges
  • Identifying projects in the context of internal exploration
  • Joining projects from the early stages of development
  • Demand for copper increases amid growing demand for electrification
  • Economically mineable ores increase as the profitability of copper mines increases
  • Launching development work on the Arqueros Copper Mine and promoting the identification of other projects
Reputation Changes in customer behavior Risk
  • Costs increase when we respond to demand for products with lower GHG emissions
  • Installing renewable power generation facilities for internal consumption to reduce purchased electricity
  • Directly procuring FIT Non-Fossil Certificates to reduce the cost of shifting to renewable energy power sources
  • Customers demand more products that help reduce GHG emissions
  • Reinforcing our supply system for Polytetsu
Physical risks Acute Intensification of meteorological disasters (e.g. typhoons, floods) Risk
  • Costs increase as we undertake disaster control measures and disaster recovery at production locations
  • Sales decrease due to supply chain interruptions
  • Sustaining our stable supply system through decentralization of limestone mines
  • Demand for limestone increases as disaster risk reduction infrastructure is developed
  • We retain the ability to produce and deliver during disasters by leveraging the strengths of our dispersed locations
  • Sustaining our stable supply system through decentralization of limestone mines
Chronic Increase in mean temperatures Risk
  • Risk of flood damage at coastal locations due to sea level rise
  • Operations impacted by the increased risk of drought
  • Productivity declines due to negative impacts on worker health
  • Promoting and continuing to use recycled water
  • Demand for wastewater treatment agents increases as water quality declines (nutritive salts, red tides) and reclaimed water use increases
  • Productivity increases when we revise working environments
  • Reinforcing our supply system for Polytetsu

Risk Management

After identifying climate-related risks and opportunities, the Sustainability Committee evaluates and reconsiders them through its consideration of responses and subsequent monitoring, and regularly reports significant risks to the Board of Directors. Additionally, in terms of efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, the committee discusses plans for reducing CO2 emissions, manages the progress of plan implementation, and takes necessary measures.

Indicators and Targets

The Group is making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by steadily transitioning to implementing measures to combat climate change, including reducing fuel and electricity consumption by streamlining and switching to energy-saving facilities and introducing renewable energy-based power generation facilities and switching to renewable electricity for internal consumption. Specifically, we aim for a 38% or higher reduction *1 of energy-derived CO2 emissions from domestic Group companies' consumption of fossil fuels and electricity out of their total CO2 emissions—the sum of their direct (Scope 1) emissions and indirect (Scope 2) emissions from their use of electricity and other energy purchased from other companies—from the FY2013 level by FY2030, identical to the Japanese government's target for the corresponding CO2 emissions category.*2 Notably, we intend to further reduce non-energy-derived CO2 emissions from limestone calcination by working on carbon offsets through CO2 absorption in company-owned forests and introducing new technology for CCUS and the like once it is ready for real-world implementation.
We also plan to introduce new technologies and use carbon offsets and other means of achieving carbon neutrality to meet the long-term goal of reducing direct and indirect (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions of the Group's non-energy-derived CO2 by FY2050.

  1. *1 38% or higher reduction from the FY2013 level:
    The target rate of reduction for CO2 emissions derived from fuel and electricity consumed at plants and business locations under the Industrial category of the Japanese government's CO2 emissions categories
  2. *2 The Japanese government's FY2030 target for the corresponding CO2 emissions category:
    The rate of reduction for the corresponding CO2 emissions category set out in the Comprehensive Plan of the Government under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (approved by the Cabinet on October 22, 2021)
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