Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd.



Policies on Sustainability

The Nittetsu Mining Group has set out the Basic Policy on Sustainability and other policies on sustainability to promote the achievement of the Group’s Management Policy.
These policies have been reviewed by the Sustainability Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Basic Policy on Sustainability

  1. We contribute to the sustainable development of society and the economy through the development and stable supply of mineral resources.
  2. We understand the significance of protecting the environment and maintaining biodiversity and promote the reduction of environmental impact and the efficient, cyclical use of resources in an effort to maintain a healthy global environment. Specifically, we continue undertaking targeted efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in the context of global warming countermeasures.
  3. We seek solidarity and harmony with local communities as we develop in an effort to continue to be a trustworthy, indispensable company.
  4. We respect human rights and diversity and provide bright, well-ventilated workplaces with the aim of helping our employees achieve self-realization and better lives.
  5. We prioritize safety in all business activities and work to prevent industrial accidents by creating healthy, sanitary, comfortable working environments.
  6. We disclose information as appropriate to establish and maintain healthy, quality relationships with all stakeholders.
  7. We engage in fair business activities, observing laws, regulations, and social norms.

Environmental Policy

The Nittetsu Mining Group engages in environmentally friendly business activities based on the following policy.

  1. Proactive efforts to protect the environment
    In addition to observing laws and regulations, we make efforts to reduce environmental impact and prevent mine pollution.
  2. Proactive efforts to prevent pollution
    We make efforts to properly control chemical substances and oils in addition to reducing emissions and proper treatment of air pollutants and other hazardous substances.
  3. Efficient and cyclical use of resources
    We make efforts to reduce waste in addition to promoting the efficient use and recycling of resources.
  4. Promoting decarbonization
    We make efforts to use energy efficiently and expand our use of renewable energy to promote decarbonization, and also develop renewable energy to contribute to carbon neutrality.
  5. Effective use and conservation of water resources
    We make efforts to conserve water quality by properly treating water in addition to reducing consumption by effectively using and recycling water resources.
  6. Consideration for biodiversity
    We strive to communicate proactively with local communities while making efforts to preserve local ecosystems.
  7. Conservation of company-owned forests and greening
    We continuously plant trees and vegetation around active mines and work toward forest conservation in company-owned forests and at former mines.

Human Rights Policy

The Nittetsu Mining Group set out this Human Rights Policy to function as a code for all Group executives and employees (including contract employees and temporary employees) to follow.
We recognize that our business activities may impact human rights and promote business activities that respect the human rights of all stakeholders by taking action in line with this policy.

  1. Basic approach to human rights
    The Nittetsu Mining Group respects the human rights outlined in Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work by the UN International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO), supports the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards on human rights, and engages in business activities based on the principles therein.
  2. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
    The Nittetsu Mining Group complies with all domestic legislation, laws and regulations that apply in the countries and regions in which it engages in business activities. When there are discrepancies between internationally recognized principles of human rights and the domestic laws and regulations of individual countries or regions, we seek methods that comply with the internationally recognized principles on human rights while complying with local laws and regulations.
  3. Scope
    This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Nittetsu Mining Group. Additionally, the Nittetsu Mining Group makes efforts to ensure that its business partners and suppliers also understand and support the policy so that everyone respects human rights together.
  4. Priority initiatives for respecting human rights
    The Nittetsu Mining Group focuses on the following matters in efforts to respect human rights.
    1. ・We do not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, sex, age, religion, beliefs, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.
    2. ・We prevent harassment from occurring in the workplace, and react swiftly and properly when it does occur.
    3. ・We do not engage in child labor, forced labor, or human trafficking under any circumstances.
    4. ・We manage working hours appropriately and pay wages that satisfy legal requirements.
    5. ・We make efforts to establish working environments that are sanitary, comfortable, and healthy in both physical and psychological terms.
    6. ・We aim to foster a bright, open culture that respects free, broad-minded discussion.
  5. Implementing human rights due diligence
    The Nittetsu Mining Group implements human rights due diligence in order to identify, assess, and prevent or reduce any negative impacts of our business activities on human rights.
  6. Corrective action and relief
    When it is clear that the business activities of the Nittetsu Mining Group are causing or promoting negative impacts on human rights, we take corrective action and provide relief accordingly.
  7. Dialogue and discussion with stakeholders
    The Nittetsu Mining Group engages in sincere dialogue and discussion with stakeholders to understand and remedy impacts of our business activities on human rights.
  8. Implementing education and awareness-raising activities
    The Nittetsu Mining Group engages in education and awareness-raising activities to ensure the effectiveness of this policy.
  9. Whistleblowing systems
    The Nittetsu Mining Group has established and makes efforts to increase the effectiveness of whistleblowing systems for receiving internal and external inquiries and complaints about human rights associated with the Group’s business. In the course of responding to these reports, we maintain confidentiality and protect personal information, and do not use the fact that whistleblowers filed reports or complaints as a reason to treat them disadvantageously.
  10. Disclosures
    The Nittetsu Mining Group discloses the appropriate information about the status of our efforts to respect human rights through our website, integrated reports, and other means.
  11. Systems
    The Nittetsu Mining Group’s Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the Representative Director and President, discusses and considers key challenges pertaining to respecting human rights in addition to responses to the challenges, and discusses and reports the results to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors complies with this policy and supervises initiatives associated with it.

Human Resources Development Policy

The Nittetsu Mining Group is committed to developing human resources who think and act independently to achieve sustainable growth as an integrated mineral resources company, by developing specialized human resources under our human resources development system and creating working environments where each and every employee can demonstrate their abilities.

  1. We encourage the growth of each and every employee through self-directed learning.
  2. We seek to accommodate diverse learning styles and create environments where motivated employees can learn when they want to.
  3. We develop human resources capable of fulfilling active roles on a global stage.

Industrial Safety and Health Policy

All Nittetsu Mining Group employees work together to ensure industrial safety and health in the course of conducting business based on the following policy as well as the fundamental principle to prioritize safety in all business activities.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    In addition to observing laws, regulations, and internal rules pertaining to industrial safety and health, we work to create safer working environments through ongoing risk assessment and measures to prevent accidents similar to past accidents.
  2. Implementing education and awareness-raising activities
    We continuously implement education and awareness-raising activities to improve our awareness of industrial safety and health.
  3. Creating comfortable working environments
    We make efforts to establish working environments that are sanitary, comfortable, and healthy in both physical and psychological terms.

Procurement Policy

The Nittetsu Mining Group engages in fair, equitable trade and works with suppliers to establish sustainable supply chains that factor in elements of social responsibility, including human rights, labor practices, and the environment.

  1. Observing laws, regulations, and social norms
    We observe relevant laws, regulations, and social norms, and engage in business based on a high sense of morality and socially accepted ideas.
  2. Fair and equitable trade
    We select suppliers fairly and equitably based on comprehensive assessments of quality, cost, delivery schedules, and consistency of supply in addition to other factors such as their efforts toward sustainability.
  3. Respecting human rights
    We comply with the Nittetsu Mining Group’s Human Rights Policy, respect fundamental human rights, and promote procurement activities that factor in working environments as well as safety and health.
  4. Consideration for the environment
    We comply with the Nittetsu Mining Group’s Environmental Policy, reduce the impact of our business activities on the global environment to the extent possible, and promote procurement activities toward achieving a sound material-cycle society.
  5. Proper management of information
    We properly manage and protect the confidential and personal information we obtain in the course of operations.

Policy for Responsible Mineral Procurement

The Nittetsu Mining Group views efforts toward responsible mineral procurement as its corporate social responsibility. Accordingly, we comply with applicable laws and regulations in addition to striving for mineral procurement that does not promote conflict and involves no forced labor, child labor, or other human rights violations; pollution; corruption; or the like in line with the guidance for mineral procurement published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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