Advanced usage of SiliNax™ (silica balloon nanoparticle)
An addition of SiliNax™ to paint or resin can build up nano size air space.

Silinax™ is SiO2 nano size particle with a unique balloon structure. An addition of SiliNax™ to paint or resin can build up nano size air space in film. Paint or resin substrate cannot enter in this nano space, so this nano space act as layer of nano size bubble. And this layer raises electrical insulation or heat insulation of paint or resin.
TEM image of SiliNax™
In recent year, the advance of IT technology raises the frequency of radiowave communication to higher region. And it is requested the circuit substrate with lower permittivity for the communication equipment.
But there were few economical materials with low permittivity. For this reason, it was difficult to make the circuit substrate with lower permittivity economically.
By the way, to reduce the permittivity of the circuit substrate, it must reduce the permittivity of the insulation film in the circuit substrate. To achieve this, there is a method to use an organic resin with low permittivity.
But we think that it is able to reduce the permittivity of the insulation film, if we can make nanosize vacant layer in film.
Furthermore an aluminum wheel of car or an aluminum window frame becomes whitish by oxidation or corrosion of aluminum surface, if a surface of aluminum wheel or aluminum frame is not coated by a protection film. To resist to oxidation or corrosion, a protection film is coated a surface of aluminum wheel or aluminum frame by the chrome treatment.
But for the reason of environmental protection, a chrome-free method to make a protection film was demanded.
To resist to oxidation or corrosion of aluminum wheel or aluminum window flame, it is useful to make an air layer in a protection film because air is a most usuful insulation material.
But it was difficult to make a nano size air layer with uniform thickness by the existing technique.
For the solution of these themes, we think that an air layer with uniform thickness is made by an addition of nano size balloon particle to paint or resin.
And it is "SiliNax"™, the new nano size balloon particle, which was developed for these objects.
An addition of SiliNax™ to paint or resin can build up nano size air space. For this structure, it is able to raise electrical insulation, heat insulation, and elasticity. And if you touch a painting one with SiliNax™, you may feel its peculiarly comfortable touch.
An addition of SiliNax™ to paint or resin can build up nano size air space. For this structure, it is able to raise electrical insulation, heat insulation, and elasticity. And if you touch a painting one with SiliNax™ , you may feel its pecurialy comfotable touch.
Primary diameter | 100nm |
Silica shell thickness | 5 - 15nm |
Specific surface area | 150 - 300m2/g |
Specific pore volume | 9,000 - 13,000mm3/g |
Liquid absorption | linseed oil:400 - 480mL/100g pure water:360 - 400mL/100g |
Powder density | 0.03 - 0.07g/mL |
If SiliNax™ is added in paint or resin, nano size air space is constructed as figure 1.
Advanced usage of SiliNax™ is based on electrical insulation and heat insulation of air. SiliNax™ is synthesized by the method of figure 2.
- Applications
SiliNax™ can build up a nano size air space in painting film or resin film, if you may add SiliNax™ to paint or resin. This nano size air space acts as low refraction layer or low permittivity layer, so it is able to reduce reflection of film or to raise electrical insulation of resin. And this nano size air space acts as heat insulator, you can use a paint with SiliNax™ for heat insulation. And more, SiliNax™ is composed of SiO2, you can raise flame retardation.
If you coat a paint with SiliNax™ on synthetic leather, it is able to reduce its surface gloss. So you can look this as natural leather. And you may feel a touch peculiarly on this synthetic leather with SiliNax™, which is derived from liquid absorption of SiliNax™.